Klassenfahrt nach Nordhausen
Bilingualer Unterricht an der Eichelbergschule
Thema: Klassenfahrt der Klassen 6a und 6b nach Nordhausen
Wir sind am 27.04. mit dem Bus zur Jugendherberge Rothleimmühle in Nordhausen gefahren. Die Busfahrt hat zwei Stunden gedauert. Als wir angekommen sind, haben wir direkt die Zimmer bezogen und wir fanden diese sehr schön. Das Essen war auch sehr lecker und sah gut aus. Wir haben viele Sachen unternommen wie zum Beispiel eine Stadterkundung. Am 29.04. sind wir wieder nach Hause gefahren.
Silas Niebling, 6b
On Wednesday we drove to the youth hostel Rothleimmühle. It took about two hours. When we arrived we took a look at our rooms and we liked them very much. The food was also great and tasted good. We made very much things like a city scout tour. And at the end of the week we drove home. It was a really great class trip.
Silas Niebling, 6b
Wir fuhren mit dem Bus zwei Stunden zur Rothleimmühle in Nordhausen. Wir haben eine Stadterkundungstour gemacht. Am zweiten Tag gingen wir drei Stunden ins Badehaus. Nachmittags waren wir im Planetarium. Am Freitag nach dem Frühstück fuhren wir wieder zur Eichelbergschule.
Moritz Buch, 6b
We drove with the bus two hours to the Rothleimmühle in Nordhausen. We scouted out Nordhausen. On the second day we went three hours to the swimming hall. In the afternoon we went to the planetarium. On Friday after the breakfast we drove home. The class trip was great.
Moritz Buch, 6b
We drove to the Rothleimmühle in Nordhausen from Wednesday to Friday. On the first day we scouted out the city. On Thursday we were in a swimming hall. We slided with the other class. After that we went to the planetarium. On this class trip I fell in love and so the class trip was really cool.
Justin Faust, 6b
On Wednesday we drove two hours with the bus to Nordhausen. We arrived at 12 o‘ clock. We checked in and my group got the best room and we packed out our cases. After that we ate lunch – noodles with tomateo sauce. Then we got separated into groups and got a folder with quests we had to do. At quest three Leni and Victoria got lost and we couldn’t find them. We finally found them at a shopping centre. At 5:30 PM we went back to Rothleimmühle and ate dinner. Then we could stay outside until 8 o‘ clock. The most time we swang. At 8:00 PM we gave our phones to the teaches and went in our rooms. At 10:00 PM we had to be quiet. Me and my friends talked throw the windows until 10 o’clock.
At 6:00 AM we woke up and than we packed our bags for swimming in the swimming hall. After breakfast we went to the Badehaus in Nordhausen. We stayed three hours there. After lunch we went into a Planetarium at a grammar school. In the afternoon we went on a playground and Justin, Marius, Jannis, Leni and I went to Subway. We woke up to early at the next morning because we put the clock on a wrong time. We ate breakfast again and than we drove home. Our class trip was very funny but to short.
Hanna-Melina, 6a
On Wednesday we drove two hours to Nordhausen. We put our cases in a room. After this we learnd what we shouldn’t do in the rooms. Then we went in our rooms where we slept. At 12:30 AM we ate lunch. In the afternoon wem ade groups and in team work we must surch for very famous things.
On Thursday in the morning we went to a swimming hall. There was a big water slide and a little pool. You can went outside. For lunch we went back to Rothleimmühle. In the afternoon we visited a planetarium in a grammar school. Then we went to a playground or some of us went shopping in the city. Me and my group went to Subway because we were really hungry. For dinner we went back to Rothleimmühle and had a nice last evening there.
Leni, 6a